# State Management - Alexa Building Blocks

These blocks let you manipulate the state during a session.

# ax.setStateVar()

This block allows you to set state variable(s), so that you can use them in your responses.

  .add(ax.setStateVar("name", "Kevindra"))
  .add(ax.say("hello, {name}!"))

Output: Now Alexa knows our name.

U: hello alexa
A: hello, Kevindra!

You can also use this block to hook your own function, for more dynamic value injections.

    ax.setStateVar((ctx: AlexaDialogContext, event: AlexaEvent) => {
      let userName = myApi.getUserName();
      return { name: userName };
  .add(ax.say("hello, {name}!"))

This block uses string interpolation. When you define a variable name inside {} it will look for the state.

# ax.removeStateVar()

This block simply removes a state variable.

// or
ax.removeStateVar(["name", ..])
// or
ax.removeStateVar((ctx: AlexaDialogManager, event: AlexaEvent) => {
    return ["name"]

# ax.goto()

This block allows you to go to a new state.

  .add(ax.say("taking you to the dungen"))

      .whenUserSays(["why am I in the dungen"])
      .then(ax.say("because dungen is cool"))


A: taking you to the dungen
U: why am I in the dungen
A: because dungen is cool